WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Settlement / Site name / Ref in current LA plan / change in CNPA deposit plan / capacity in LA plan / reasons for removal Aviemore Milton Wood 1.3B removed 13 Constrained due to flooding, archaeology and possible biodiveristy resouce. It was therefore considered that due to these constraints it would not be suitable to develop the site in a way to make a meaningful contribution to the overall housing land supply. The site lies within the settlement boundary and would therefore be considered as windfall in the event of the submission of a planning application. Boat of Garten Land S of Deshar Road 6.1B removed 15 Constrained due to importance of woodland as a recreational resouce, visual backdrop to the setting of the settlement, and the importance of biodiversity on the site. The inclusion of the site for the current plan needs was considered to be excessive to meet the housing need of the village. Part of the site also fell with the Ancient Woodland Inventory. - Land SW of Boat of Garten 6.2 reduced 150 (reduced to 70) Reduced site to take into account appropriate assessment findings, impact of biodiversity on site and importance of woodland. The inclusion of the site for the current plan needs was considered to be excessive to meet the housing need of the village. Part of the site also fell with the Ancient Woodland Inventory. - Land N of Birch Grove 6.1A removed 15 Constrained due to importance of lochan and woodland in providing a striking entrance to the settlement from the north and a well defined sense of arrival to the village. The inclusion of the site for the current plan needs was considered to be excessive to meet the housing need of the village PAGE 2 Braemar - fh1 removed 5 Removed as result of community council objection. Remains within settlement boundary and could therefore be considered as windfall Dalwhinnie Loch Ericht Hotel 6.1C removed 6 Development of this site considered appropriate in landscape capacity terms, but only once the preferred options have been built. Removed therefore as not required to meet the current needs of Dalwhinnie. - Ben Alder Road 6.1A removed 6 Remains within settlement boundary and would therefore be considered as windfall should an application be submitted. - North of Substation 6.1F removed 4 Removed due to flooding constraints, and also physical separation of the site due to the road network. Dulnain Bridge land allocated (no name) 6.1G removed 2 Remains within settlement boundary and would therefore be considered as windfall should an application be submitted. Grantown on Spey Rhuarden 1.1c removed 9 Whilst identified in the Landscape Capacity study as having limited opportunity for low densite development, the inclusion of the site for the current plan needs was considered to be excessive to meet the housing need of the town. Alternative sites with better capacity to absorb development have therefore been included. Insh ( name) 11.1 removed no figure Constrained due to infrastructure. PAGE 3 Kingussie West Terrace 1.4C removed 4 Landscape capacity study identifies this area as constrained by the increased elevation and steepness of the slopes, which currently create containment for the town and form a physical setting and visual backdrop to the town when viewed from the south. The woodland is also an important recreational resouce, with a quiet and secluded character. Development here would also require considerable earth moving which would have an impact on the landscape. - West Terrace 1.4D removed 12 to 15 Landscape capacity study identifies this area as constrained by the increased elevation and steepness of the slopes, which currently create containment for the town and form a physical setting and visual backdrop to the town when viewed from the south. The woodland is also an important recreational resouce, with a quiet and secluded character. Development here would also require considerable earth moving which would have an impact on the landscape. - St Vincents 1.4E removed 3 to 4 Remains within settlement boundary and would therefore be considered as windfall should an application be submitted. The boundary has been amended to reflect the adjacent Ancient Woodland. PAGE 4 - Ardbroillach Road 1.1 removed no figure Identified in Landscape Capacity study as having constrainted opportunity for development due to the increased elevation and steepness of these slopes which currently create containment for the town and form a physical setting and visual backdrop to the town when viewed from the south. The woodland is also an important recreational resource with a quiet and secluded character. Development on these slopes would also require considerable earth moving which would have an impact on the landscape. Nethybridge Dell Road Nursery 1.1H removed 8 Identified in Landscape Capacity study as having constrainted opportunity for development due to the importance of the woodland in providing a visual backdrop and setting to the settlement. It is also a rich recreational resource. The site is also affected by the adjacent Ancient Woodland. - Duackbridge 1.1A removed 6 Identified in Landscape Capacity study as having constrainted opportunity for development due to the importance of the woodland in providing a visual backdrop and setting to the settlement. It is also a rich recreational resource. Newtonmore Perth/Laggan Road 1.1B reduced in area but overall capacity remains 100 - Original allocation was considered excessive to meet the housing needs of Newtonmore for the short and medium term and the site was therefore reduced. - Lower Croft Roy 1.2B removed 4 Identified in the Landscape Capacity study as constrained by the seclusion of the area and its relative isolation from the rest of the settlement, from which is is both physically and visually detached. Development would also excessively elongate the settlement form. - Clune Terrace 1.2E removed 8 to 10 Remains within settlement boundary and would therefore be considered as windfall should an application be submitted.